Firefox prevails!
This is an early review. Firefox version 4 was just released and as with some previous versions outstrips the competition. It’s fast, recognizes and accepts most add-ins, has no problem with Flash or Adobe Reader and works splendidly on every website I have accessed. . . which is to say that it works better than Internet Explorer 8 or 9 or even Google Chrome. Tabs are cleaner and you can select to keep some tabs open--tabs that you access on a regular basis, like email, news, Ebay or other sites. Tabs can be grouped so if you’re shopping or researching you can keep similar tabs together however this requires some fine tuning and did not work well for me.
I checked the new version on popular websites. Local and national newspapers look fantastic, Twitter, Facebook, and Myspace open quickly and display properly. Even my cabin site which failed to display properly in Internet Explorer 9, works wonderfully in Firefox version 4 as does my main computer site. In fact, these pages all function faster and better than they did in any previous browsers.
Now for the add-ons (extensions). Off all the add-ons I had installed, the only two which were NOT compatible with Firefox Version 4, were the Norton Toolbar (not important: the Norton security features continue to work) and the Logmein extension (not essential, the main program continues to work).
Some later news on Internet Explorer. As much as I applaud Microsoft’s attempts to create a better browser. I still prefer Firefox. Some of my clients have had problems printing in Internet Explorer 9, and many experienced a failure to complete the install. For quick and easy internet, quick and easy install, Firefox version 4 is my choice.